Thoughts on the AWS Advanced Networking Specialty Exam

Earlier this week I passed the AWS Advanced Networking Specialty exam.

I prepped for the exam using the excellent course from (make sure you do the latest version of the course), and then the practice questions at tutorialsdojo. It’s also well worth reviewing the latest Re:Invent videos on networking topics.

The exam content is under NDA so I will not go into specifics, however lots and lots on Direct Connect, networking across other AWS services, VPC networking and VPNs plus a few questions on BGP. I definitely had to use the ‘find the wrong answers’ approach for several of the questions rather than the right answer, but overall I think the questions were reasonably fair and balanced.

A few questions on subnetting cropped up, and as I did the exam via Pearson Vue proctoring you’re not allowed to use pen and paper or wipe down board like a traditional test centre, so I used the whiteboard functionality within the test software – it actually worked pretty well.